‘Through’, 2022, a series - Street Photography Image Breakdown
There is certain level of context and depth that windows give to my type of work. Pun intended, they seriously help frame my work. They can accentuate and isolate a subject, drawing the viewers eye directly where you need them.
Really, that is the big secret to any substantive street photography (or really any artistic endeavor), find a way to ensure your viewers eye is drawn EXACTly where you want it. Timing a luck play a great role in one’s success, but ultimately, you have to make your viewer find your subject.
Not much editing was needed for any of this images. Of course I applied my preset as a starting point for each. I spend lots of time ensuring the grain structure of each of my presets would help with starting your work, especially if you are not used to black and white editing. As always, I would love to know what you think about the work. Thanks so much for reading this far.